Friday, November 25, 2011

Tamashii Attack "Part 3"

Thanks to Den-O Showing up at the event he is now unleashed his Hissatsu Attack Part 3 Tamashii style and lets just say its a MEGA sized one so lets get this rolling.

First we have another new SHF announcement this time the spotlight is shown for Kamen Rider Abyss. His suit is a lot bulkier then it looked on the show but I guess its okay. Also lets get this clear he is a DECADE rider and not a RYUKI one.

Also I forgot to mention this one in my last post but it looks like Tamashii has finally listen to the fans and release a Master Asia SHF.

Now here are some SHF Zeros

One Piece

Now for now we turn away from SHFs to go to the other "Arts" that were announced during the

First we have the King of Fighters in D-arts form. I don't really know the character but seeing as he seems to be a popular favorite to the crowd I say its a good choice that they made him.


Now the next one announced I am really excited for cause its D-arts Zero V2. I skipped out the original cause it wasn't my favorite version of him.

Vile is another interesting choice cause they aren't really good toys of him so I am glad they are making one for him now.

Robo Emperor (Not the Best Choice)

Knight Blazer from Wild Arms

Now for Monsterarts Tamashii decided to really try hard to add to the line though one of them I have no idea who it is.

Baby Godzilla

Utsuno Ikusagami

Fire Rodan


Although there isn't much here for SRCS at least we know there is going to be a Gao/ Shinken Gokai-Oh.

And it looks like Tamashii is making a product for ghost gokai-oh although its not the DX mecha.

and last but not least SICS

A new Kuuga (Didn't they already make this?)

Kamen Rider Nigo The First

Horse Orphenoch

Guard Chaser

Another Agito Bike

Gills Raider

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