Monday, October 31, 2011

Ani X Toku Episode 8

Here is our Halloween special, its going up now, cause my editors decided to take their time to get all of the stuff done later then normal, but I'm getting it up as soon as i can

werewolffinder *howls at the moon at the last moment of Halloween*

Ani X Toku Episode 7

And here is episode 7 of our podcast ani x toku, hope you guys enjoy, as we keep making this wonderful podcast, and this time we talk about murder princes, which was WAY too short

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

GLE at the ComiCon - Blue-Fin Booth MV

So here is my video from the bluefin booth, enjoy

Feel Free to Blame Me For This One

Yesterday our friend ExtremeEnigmafy decided to buy the Faiz Driver from Cstoys.
Funny enough during the pack and ship show I decided to be an ass and ask  Mr. S. to put Extreme's order as the featured packing, lucky enough Extreme was actually on the chat as a moderator as well and because of my awesome idea he ended up getting a free gift which happens to be a Faiz Gaia Memory.

You sir are welcome

Projekt has left the building - "now hit my music!!!!"

heres the link to the ustream video

thanks to cstoys international for managing to make this item the featured packing

check out these channels when you get the chance they have awesome stuff

Monday, October 24, 2011

Ani X Toku Episode 6

Here is episode 6 guys, I'm catching up on alot of things so 7 and this weeks actualy episode 8 will be up later this week, just keep checking in till it comes up, and next week we will start posting our episodes, on tuesdays. Again I'm sorry for the extreme delay on the posting of these episodes.

Friday, October 21, 2011

yeah i know i know this episode is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY late but things got in the way, but this is being posted by our new editor me werewolf finder, hope you guys like the new format ^^( slight note from editor, we will be getting a actual decent opening here soon)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Kido Senshi Gundam Age Episode 2

So episode 2 has come and gone, and after taking a day to sit and think on it I feel it was a decent episode. It showed the aftermath of the battle from the night before, showing how it impacted the colony. The enemies attacked, attempting to destroy the colony and the military decides that it's time to up and leave... and leave the civi's. Well the main cast that's part of the military won't have anything to do with that and jack the main craft of the series to save the civilians. Meanwhile our hero is using the gundam to chase after love interest number two- I mean... save... a... um civilian girl... MOVING ON! Time skip, love interest number one and annoying best friend/side kick discover the Bright Noa of the series holding the "Captain" of the Diva (That's the ship if you don't already know) at gun point, oh wait it's just a stun gun that happens to look like a pistol >.>... he knocks him and his guards out, and deletes their data from the ship so that they can't use it now :D. Furito and the new girl, Yurin, are trying to find their way back to the colony and Yurin decides to show she has Psychic powers to Furito, showing him a way that gets him thrown out of the colony, and crashes into one of the enemy units, to which we know as the viewers as the Gafran, but they don't know that yet so they're called UE Enemy mobile suits. Furito gets his ass wooped, and then in an awesomely done CG scene, they build him his main beam rifle of the series, the DOTS Rifle. He wins, episode ends.

If you want to watch the anime, check the provided streamer down bellow.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Kamen Rider Fourze Fire States

In in the last episode we have seen Elec States making it the first full form of fourze next to Base States. In the recent week a new magazine shot of Fire States has popped out on the net. The new form is officially called Fire States that gives him the power of fire. By using the the 20th switch he has able to change into this form and his main weapon is called the Hi-Hack Gun.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Kido Senshi Gundam AGE episode 1

Most peoples beliefs prior to the start of Gundam AGE are that it would be one of the worst gundam series to date... that the fact they were aiming to a much younger audience than past gundam series would be a very bad route to go. Personally I felt the same way in the beginning, but after sitting on the idea, and seeing the new lead gundam of the series as well as some of the grunts of both sides my opinion has changed... slightly. I am still not a big fan of the genoaces, besides the commander type anyway, but I do like the designs of the Gafrans.... and this stays strong after seeing episode 1. The first 54 seconds of the series alone make me feel like this is something Tomino himself made... then we get to the opening sequence... oh god. The opening theme is something that will either take some time to get use to... or you'll probably want to skip every episode (I'd recommend the later.). Once the episode picks back up though the flow works pretty much, it give me the feel of the original Mobile Suit Gundam and of Gundam SEED. Going into the midpoint and onto the introduction of the gundam I do feel things were rushed a bit, this includes the midpoint that introduces Furito's classmates, teacher and his male friend. The introduction of the gundam was rather nice, and did feel similar to the introduction of the RX-78. Also we get a slight nod to the RX-78 in the form of a picture on Furito's wall in a flashback scene when he was a child. The ending theme of the series also feels a lot like it was made for a gundam series. Now i'm going to end this here, if you want to see the series click the provided streamer bellow. I'll be posting more of these opinions as well as the series itself as it progresses.

- GundamLegacyExtreme.

Gobusters in the Gokaiger vs Gavan Movie?

According to recent rumors the Tokumei Sentai Gobusters are supposedly appearing in the Gokaiger Vs Gavan movie. More info also is moving around the net and here is some of whats going around. Original source link: Dukemon Post
  • The team is composed of red, blue, and yellow

  • The Gobusters will first appear in Gokaiger VS Gavan. They seem to be linked to the 30th anniversary of Metal Hero series.

  • Though the team starts at 3, the Gobusters have Partners. The original post relates this to Den-o, so it would be my guess the partners are partner spirits or youkai.

  • Thats all we got so far but stay tuned for more updates and/ or confirmations on the news.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ani X Toku Podcast Episode 4

Ani X Toku episode 3

GundamLegacyExtreme -
ExtremeEnigmafy -
Wheelchair21 -
WereWolfFinder -

with special guest:
Soundout12 -

So wait, we're only 4 episodes in and we have a special guest O.o